Prairie Visit
It had been two years since Helen had seen her parents and
younger siblings. So, in September, 1945, when it looked like Harry wouldn’t be
coming back for awhile, she took the train back to northern Saskatchewan to spend three weeks with them.
Not wanting
to miss any of Harry’s letters while she was away, Helen asked him to address
his letters to Melfort. After two years of sending mail across the ocean, she
could predict how long his letters might take to arrive.
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Louie & Albert Reeder |
When she
arrived at the farm, Helen noticed that her father looked thinner and that her
mother’s hair was greyer. Her three younger sisters, Jean, Velma and Vivie,
were so happy to have her home that they stayed home from school for two days
to be with her. Helen helped them with their homework and they told her all
about their “big problems”. She was settling back into family life on the farm.
* * *
“How do you like Toronto
now Helen?” her mother asked, looking up from sewing a patch on Jack’s pants.
“Well, it’s quite different from here, that’s for sure.
There’s lots going on – we go to the movies, shopping, see my cousins, never a
dull moment,” Helen said. She was embroidering a table set for her hope chest.
“You’re quite the city girl now.”
“Oh, Mother, in spite of all that, I do miss everyone here,
especially you and the girls,” she sobbed, putting down her handiwork and
giving her mother a hug.
Just then, her father came in
from town, after stopping at the co-op and the post office.
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Louie & Helen |
Tearing herself from her mother’s
arms, Helen asked him, “Is there a letter for me?”
“I think I did see a blue airmail letter, now where did I
put it?” he smiled, checking his pockets, “Oh, here it is.”
Snatching it from his hands,
Helen ran upstairs and closed the door.
Her parents looked at each other.
“I guess there’s no use wasting our breath trying to
persuade her to come back home,” her mother sighed, picking up her sewing.
Melfort, Sask. Sept. 18, 1945
My Sweetheart Harry,
My Dad gave me your letter of 10th at noon.
He had it in his pocket and it was a bit crumpled [it’s torn and wrinkled]. He
pretended he lost it for a few minutes, just to see the expression on my face.
Maybe he doesn’t quite know how precious they are to me.
wasn’t expecting one so soon, hope you are getting mine now honey. It would be
terrible to go without a wee bit of sunshine. I’m so glad they [her
letters] cheer you up a little. If I could only give more of myself!
darling, I’m enjoying my holidays but don’t ask me what I’m doing besides
eating and sleeping. Well, last night Ray [her brother who was in the RCAF] and
I were out for supper to one of my girl friends. She was just married last
November and seems very happy. They are building their own home this fall. Ray
went overseas with her brother-in-law, so we all had lots to talk about. I
didn’t intend to do anything exciting when I came and anyway, how could I
sweetheart without you? I mean that sweet. Eleanor has been home for a couple
of months, and is going back to Vancouver soon, so I’ll have to see her too.
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Helen's sisters, (l to r)Velma, Jean & Vivan |
[Sept. 14, 1945] My sisters didn’t go to school for
two days because they wanted to stay home and talk to me. They had me helping
them with Art and Arithmetic last night. Art was always my weak subject.
all decided what they want to study for already. [Jean became a nurse, Velma
became a teacher and Vivie went into accounting.]
[her brother who was in the Navy] has his discharge now and enrolled for an
eight months’ course in the University. He leaves on Oct. 1st.
quite a change for me when I don’t have to go to work and I’ll try to get a
good rest as you told me.
[Sept. 21, 1945] I just heard at noon that another
4,000 had landed at Quebec.
One of these days . . . [he will come home].
and I just had a long talk, mostly about us. They like to know what we are
planning, they don’t understand that it’s hard to plan through letters. Parents
are always thinking of your welfare whether at home or away it seems. Yours do
too, I know that. I bet your Mother is expecting you any day now. I’ll probably
get her answer to my letter the beginning of next week.
[Sept. 18,1945] I worked some this morning, cleaned
upstairs and dusted. When my sisters are here they won’t let me do anything.
lunch between meals here, but I won’t eat. My brothers think they know why and
they’re always kidding me. Well, so what, I can’t gain weight.
embroidering a table set now; four place mats and a centre-piece. It’s a good
pastime, and I keep everything.
been sitting here long enough I guess, so will close. I’m saving all my kisses
for you. Goodbye darling. My best love,
Helen xxxx
The Waiting Game
The Personnel Reception Centre no. 3 band had been putting
in the time until they were to go home playing in the bandstand in the Lower
Gardens near the Pavilion, playing at the Westover (formerly a skating rink),
playing dances for the American GIs, parades, lunch time concerts at the
sergeants’ mess, tea dances at the Red Cross Club and travelling to London for
official ceremonies. They didn’t have to worry now about being hit by a bomb.
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RCAF dance band at Westover in Bournemouth |
At first Martin
Boundy (head music director for the RCAF) said they would be going home in
April, 1946, then it was changed to January or February, 1946. Harry was
reluctant to tell Helen, for fear of the date being changed again, but decided
to anyway.
Bournemouth, Oct. 13/45
My Darling Helen,
I wrote you yesterday that they promised we’d be home
by April, but last night at the Westover, Boundy’s right hand man was talking
to us and he felt sure we’d be going home in Jan. or Feb. – so that’s a little
better isn’t it sweetheart?
band and what’s left of the #1 band came down here yesterday and we have to
practise marching for a W.D. inspection by the Queen in Buckingham Palace next
week-end I think it is. The combined bands will make a band of 54 pieces and I
was hoping to evade it as there’s always too many clarinets but I didn’t
succeed. Most of us are pretty sloppy on parade so we’ll have to do a lot of
fast slogging around the streets of B’mouth. I might even get a new uniform out
of it as they want us all to look smart! We even have to rehearse Sun. afternoon!!
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Bandstand on left, Pine Walk, Bournemouth |
darling, I’m in the middle of six nights of dances in a row, even Sunday night,
so I haven’t much free time. The 1st alto man decided he’d like to
try tenor again so I’ll be playing alto for awhile. I’ll be glad of the change.
[Oct. 12, 1945] I should be able to save another
$1,000 between now and then if I keep working four nights a week, if that’s any
consolation. We’ll have a bit of cash to start with when we do finally settle
down. Oh happy day! Mother expects me home on every boat and it’s so hard to
explain to her as she doesn’t realize the situation and I’m probably to blame
too. Well, I can’t worry about her too. You take up all my thoughts darling and
it almost breaks my heart to tell you when I realize how long you’ve been
waiting now. If we can get a fresh grip on ourselves it shouldn’t seem too long
– or should it? I can just hear you say it’s been too long now, and I agree
with you.
sent two copies of two snaps this morning taken on the beach this summer. You
can give two of them to Mother if you like. They didn’t do a very good job of
printing them as there’s specks all over them.
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Bournemouth Beach, Harry Culley (centre) |
[Oct. 13, 1945] The
boys who were on the Continent have some terrific stories to tell about the
black market dealing in France
and Belgium.
They got a shilling apiece for cigarettes over there! One fellow bought a new
French clarinet for 2000 cigarettes which would cost him about $7, the clarinet
would cost at least $200 at home. One guy bought a fur coat for his wife. They
nearly ate themselves to death in Denmark
they had all the eggs and beef steak they could eat in restaurants. They
travelled all over in open trucks but that was the worst part of it. If we had
any idea that we were going over for Christmas I’d start buying up coffee beans
over here by the bushel and do business in a big way, but nothing has been said
about it. They saw the ruins of Kiel (a naval
base in Germany) and Hamburg, but Paris
is the city that knocked them out the most. I sure would like to see it.
darling, I’ll have to close now, but I thought I’d let you know I should be
home in Jan. or Feb. at the latest. I see the Queen Elizabeth [ocean liner] is
going to carry Canadians for a couple of months. That might make a difference
to us I hope!
bye for now dearest. All my love & kisses forever angel. Harry xxxxx
Toronto, Oct. 23/45
My Own Darling Harry,
I have been getting two letters together lately, honey
– not that I mind. They were dated 12th and 13th. I can’t
say I felt elated after reading the latest, but still we might have known you’d
be about the last to come. No, I’m not sorry you’re in the Band, because there
are many advantages to it. If you had to stay there five or six months and just
put in time then it would be just too, too bad. This is the only way to look at
it I say to myself, and it is a consolation to know we’ll have savings through
your efforts. You can say that again; we’ll be a happy pair. It has been a long
wait, and it would have been hard to wait if we had been together. In that case,
would we?? [JC – not sure what she means here]
thing I have to ask you tonight, and don’t forget to answer right back. We’re
thinking of getting you a signet ring for your birthday – sorry we have to tell
you but we want your size. So your Mother would like you to go into a jeweller
and get the size of the finger on which you want to wear it, and also, how
would you like the initials, raised, printed or otherwise? please designate. We
want to send it, so don’t tell us not to bother honey.
I guess all that parading and rehearsing will be over. How long were you in London? Was this after
our Prime Minister lunched with the King? I hope you were close enough to catch
a good glimpse of the Queen. I’m sure you’ll remember those important moments,
even though you are included against your will. Did you get a new uniform?
I was
downtown yesterday on my off day, and let’s see – what did I buy? a black hat
with sequins in front to wear over my forehead or back. By the way, my coat was
delivered today and I tried them both on together and they look smart. I’m
wearing my other coat to work and will keep this one nice. Then I got a plain
green wool dress for work too, but no blouse yet. That wasn’t bad for an
afternoon, was it? Considering the way I walked through the crowds as usual.
I was
interrupted, Georgie just phoned. She asked about you and I had to go into
detail – you know how it is.
have a few more dateless nights. I’ll feel like a different person when I go
out and forget all but our little world and the two of us, oh darling. Now it’s
All my love, Helen xxxxx
P.S. I just heard about your parade on the news and
your Band was mentioned.
I’ll Buy That Dream
When she entered the apartment building at 72 Isabella St., Helen could smell the
sweet aromas of butter, eggs and flour wafting through the hallway. She guessed
that Ida was making Harry’s fruit cake to send him.
After entering, she could see her future
mother-in-law in the kitchen with her lacy apron on, removing the cakes from the
oven and placing them on a rack.
“Oh, those smell so good – Harry is sure to love them,” Helen exclaimed.
“Here, have a taste of the smaller one and tell me what you think.”
“Oh, and I have some plum puddings steaming, so he should be well fixed.
I’ll need to send them off tomorrow so they get there in time for Christmas.”
“Are you sure, because I heard on the radio that the cut off date was
November 15,” Helen said.
“Well, I don’t know, the sign at the post office said November 1 and I
don’t want to take any chances,” Ida said brushing the flour from her hands.
“I guess there won’t be as many parcels going over this year, as most of the
boys are back already,” Helen said sadly. “Imagine – this will be his third
Christmas in Bournemouth.”
“Yes, it’s a damn shame he’s still over there,” said Harry Sr., coming in
from his walk and going over to give Helen a kiss. “Hello, my dear. If he gives
any of that baking away, it’s just too bad for him.”
“I hope he finds a landlady who can make him a nice sauce for the
pudding,” said Ida.
“Or you could send him the recipe and he could get the ingredients
himself,” suggested Helen.
“They say this gale has been awful – the Queen Mary only docked last
night, they were delayed several days, and the coast at Halifax has been knocked around something
“I hope Bournemouth hasn’t been
affected. In his last letter, Harry said they were still sitting on the beach –
can you imagine – in October!”
“Yes, it can stay pretty mild there, all through the winter,” said Harry
“Look, it’s almost 8 o’clock, time to turn on the radio,”
said Ida, coming in from the kitchen. “We don’t want to miss Amos ‘n Andy and
Fibber McGee. They’re broadcasting from Maple Leaf Gardens tonight. Hopefully it will come through loud and clear,
being just down the street.”
“Oh, I wondered where
everyone was going – that’s why the street cars were so packed on my way over
Harry Sr. fiddled with the knobs
on the stand-up RCA Victor radio, and got a pretty clear signal.
As they settled in to listen,
Helen closed her eyes and thought about Harry and her dreams for the future.
After it was over, she got up to
go home, as she had the early shift the next day.
“I’ll be writing Harry tomorrow at work, so I’ll tell him that
you’re sending the cake and pudding,” she told them. “Oh, and I wanted to ask,
have you heard that new song, “I’ll Buy That Dream?”
“I think so, maybe last week – do you like it?” asked Ida.
“Yes. I’ve been singing it in my head all day – do you think
you could play it on your program next week?”
“Well, when we go in to the studio tomorrow, we’ll see if the
publisher has sent us a promotional copy, and sure, Ida and I could work it
up,” Harry Sr. replied.
“Great – bye for now.”
Toronto, Oct. 30/45
Darling Harry,
I’m snatching a few moments from my noon
hour to drop you a line. I haven’t written you at the office for so long, it’s
always harder for me to concentrate somehow. When you go to the Beach Café, do
you go off in a corner all by yourself when you write?
It’s grand
out now, but it’s always cool enough in the morning for a suit and topcoat. It
will be two years on Thursday since I came here [to Toronto] and it seems that long too . . . so different than it was two years ago.
It rained the whole three days I was job-hunting, then when I got settled it
cleared up – funny, wasn’t it?
There are
only three girls left in the office now, and we were told we’d be staying on as
long as we wanted to. You see when we came it was just supposed to be for the
duration [i.e. the duration of the war].
They are just taking ex-servicemen now.
I just want you to know you’re with
me; a part of my day. It will never be any other way. Bye darling xxx
My love Helen.
London, Oct. 23/45
My Darling Helen,
Well, these last few days have been
nothing but a panic getting ready for this parade this afternoon. I even got a
new uniform and got my ribbons sewn on – both of them – by an old lady at the
“Y” in the Strand. I’ll have to get pressed up
somewhere before 2 p.m. to-day – that’s the time we’re reporting at Wellington Barracks. We
had a dress rehearsal there yesterday and my feet were really tired from
standing around all day. I went to Wigmore Hall last night and heard the first
string quartets by Bartok and Ben. Britten. The last one sounded like a cat
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Harry Culley |
our discipe got a wire to report to B’mouth to-day to go home and he’s
heartbroken. He wants to go home with us but I don’t think they’ll let him stay
any longer. They say Boundy [the head music director of the RCAF] is going home
next month sometime. We haven’t heard any news about when we’re going but they
think around January. We’re going back to B’mouth to-morrow morning and are
coming back here again on Saturday to play a concert in Hastings on Sunday. I’ll have three dances to
play in B’mouth this week, but Smitty will be staying in London all week as he and the band drummer
have to play a dance here on Thursday. I’m lucky to be able to work this 2
guinea dance job at the Town Hall [in Bournemouth]
on Thursday!
Oct. 25/45 - You’re probably read about the terrific
gales we’ve been getting here in the south. It’s raining harder now than I ever
saw before here – it usually just drizzles down. It’s a regular March rain
storm and it’s still quite mild.
Well, darling, I’ll close for now. I
seem to be running all the time in this town – it sure is getting back to
normal in a hurry. Will write to-morrow sweetheart.
All my love. Harry xxxxxxx
Toronto, Nov. 1/45
Dearest Harry,
I was glad to receive your pictures and
your letter of 23rd on Tuesday. You seemed to be in a whirl when you
wrote it. Did you get everything done in time? I was wondering if your uniform
had a windbreaker style coat, I had an idea the R.A.F. issue was like that.
They don’t look as dressy as the others. I kept two of the pictures – the
close-up is swell. I like your profile – and how! And do I love you ----- yes.
You’re blowing harder than the others, aren’t you?
may be January after all [when he would be returning], do you still think so?
Was there a reason why Jonesy had to go home before the rest of you? If the S/L
goes too, the ones who are left can’t carry on – that’s what I say, but they
always have vague ideas.
Yes, you were lucky to crowd that dance
in on Thursday. Was Smitty mad because he had to stay? You’d miss another job
last Saturday.
Buy that Dream” was first on the Hit Parade last week. I’ve been humming it all
I’ll go again honey, and I’ll write before Sunday, because I won’t have time
then if Lois is here. Is that all right? You’d say so anyway. So long dear, yours
forever. xxxxxxx Helen
I´ll Buy That Dream, written and composed
by Allie Wrubel
Imagine me with my head on your shoulder,
And you with your lips getting bolder,
A sky full of moon and a sweet, mellow tune
I'll buy that dream.
Imagine me in a gown white and flow'ry,
And you thanking Dad for my dowry,
A church full of folks, those last minute jokes
I'll buy that dream.
A honeymoon in Cairo, in a brand new autogyro,
Then off to Rio for a drink;
We'll settle down in Dallas in a little plastic palace...
Oh it's not as crazy as you think.
And you with your lips getting bolder,
A sky full of moon and a sweet, mellow tune
I'll buy that dream.
Imagine me in a gown white and flow'ry,
And you thanking Dad for my dowry,
A church full of folks, those last minute jokes
I'll buy that dream.
A honeymoon in Cairo, in a brand new autogyro,
Then off to Rio for a drink;
We'll settle down in Dallas in a little plastic palace...
Oh it's not as crazy as you think.
Imagine me, eighty three, wearing glasses,
And you, ninety two, making passes;
It doesn't sound bad, and if it can be had
I'll buy that dream.
Imagine me on our first annivers'ry,
With some one like you in the nursry;
Oh, it doesn't sound bad, and if it can be had
I'll buy that dream
And you, ninety two, making passes;
It doesn't sound bad, and if it can be had
I'll buy that dream.
Imagine me on our first annivers'ry,
With some one like you in the nursry;
Oh, it doesn't sound bad, and if it can be had
I'll buy that dream
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